Chef Works Wonders with Duck Eggs

Although we sell chicken eggs here at the farm, we also raise ducks—and have the lucky privilege of enjoying duck eggs. There are lots of lovely recipes to be found: Jamie Oliver has been my go-to for these, while Jim Lahey tosses them on a pizza (with asparagus and in "My Pizza"). Yotam Ottolenghi uses them often, but I find his recipes often include ingredients that are not close at hand—or easy to find. David Cohen, however, embraced the challenge and turned out two recipes (that he loved) just like that (that is "sort-of-"David," isn't it?). The first was duck eggs with white sardines (he mentioned that eggs and sardines are always a great match). He'd intended to layer asparagus, but the day did not provide a good batch of fresh asparagus to work with—next time. The second was baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms. He briefly explained the ingredients and process, but then directed me to some similar inspiration at Enjoy the photos and give these recipes a whirl.  Thanks so much David! (Photos are not respective.)


Lambs at Sunset

Cosmos, Planet, Superhero and Lightening graze among the dandelions a few days ago. Our lambs were all born between January 8th and April 24th—so it was a long lambing season this year (all due to a few surprise rams mingling). We have little lambs and big ones—growing, playing and sleeping. It's a beautiful thing! The chickens (picture below) are also happy to free-range in the relative warmth. The ducks (we have Gracie, a Swedish Blue now too) also enjoy the bounty that the change of season brings. 


Accolades for Yummy Lamb


This week, I've been making calls to everyone who purchased lamb from us last year (thank you to you all!). I was so excited to receive awesome feedback: "the lamb was terrific, delicious, best I've ever had..." etc... Thank you all for letting us know. It means so much. As you all know, we spend a great deal of time, care and effort keeping these guys well fed, well cared for, and loved. 

One of my nice mails came from Nancy Baron who said: "The lamb is great! I would love to get another whole lamb." Nancy is the Program manager for the Vermont Farm Fund ( The Fund provides no-hassle, friendly-term loans to Vermont farmers and food producers (I should get in touch!). Thanks for the kind words, Nancy, and thanks for all of your great efforts at the Vermont Farm Fund.


For other nice notes, check out our testimonials at New updates today. 

Last year’s lamb was the best I ever had! Looking forward to another. Thank you very much!”

Photo of Pete courtesy Jordan Silverman