Tending the Garden

This summer might have started slowly for some gardeners, but for me, it's been continuously bountiful. The edamame, beans, snow peas, kale, broccoli, squashes, beets, carrots, potatoes, flowers and herbs have been truly prolific. Tomatoes are busting...and I'll grab them up before they "blite." Check the hot peppers (photographed below).


The peppers were slow to come...BUT...totally here! These are Hot Thai. I have seven varieties.



It's been a handful of years. We are not farmers, but certainly homesteaders. Over the past few weeks, I've had a lot of visitors. It is certainly lovely here—and the summer has been incredible...in so many ways. Who would not want to stay here? Outside this window, the apple tree drips heavily. You can hear the bounty fall day and night.


And we continue to work on the house. 1798! Folks have been doing this here for over 200 years.


Garlic: Questions

We've done really well with garlic each year. I've always harvested near fall—my friends encouraged me to harvest earlier. This year, I am experimenting: I pulled one row early, one when they'd begun to turn brown at the edges...and the rest I will harvest in September (when I plant again for next year). I am eager to see how the flavors compare. Anyone have any thoughts and ideas on this? 
