1 • 30 • 2014 | Cookbooks I've Been Reading
/A few weeks ago, we took a trip to Burlington, Vermont, where we spent a few hours are the Barnes and Noble (actually in Williston, next to Healthy Living and the Big Picture Framing Shop. After an hour, my hands were so "stacked with books" I couldn't walk—and planted on the ground to sort through. Cookbooks (on meat, herbs, slow cooking, fast cooking), decorating books (another passions is working with space), and the new Neil Young bio (among other things). I took home a few things—a cookbook for my daughter Samantha and another for her boyfriend's birthday. The best of the lot was Jamie Oliver's new (and seventh) release COOK with JAMIE and MEAT by Hugh Fearnly-Wittingstall. Both of these guys are the real deal—close to the earth and passionate.