The Dorpers are Here
/Today, we brought home our new dorpers—Colorado (ram), Hazel (ewe) and Jane (Lamb). Seth rigged up some transport (pics on my blog @ and off we went to Addison County. We spent some time with the Ayer family—taked sheep (and cattle and such...) and loaded up to Scale the App Gap at a slow and steady pace. Jane and Hazel (momma and babe) whaled away — a lot of bahhhh.... Now here, they join our other ewes down in the barn. All is well.
Jane lapped it with Seth and me in the cab. She made a lot of noise, but's so warm and soft and cute—you really can't complain
Seth built some awesome temporary transport.
Unloading. Jane's mom Hazel was a little tough to move along. She lies down. Finally got them in and home.
Hazel (left), her babe Jane (middle) and Colorado (ram lamb) in the back, right.